
Hillar Ana Cecilia

Ana Cecilia
Birth place
Santa Fe, Argentina
31 10 1969
Light brown hair
Brown eyes
Particular signs
To discover


1. What are the foundations of your research (Art Identity)?
A questioning gaze towards man, the natural environment, his own inhabited and habitable space. The exploration of the earth, through listening to and perceiving the impulses of nature, from deep terrestrial geology to intimate human geology. , the most essential and primitive human nature, and for this reason more instinctive and wild.
2. Who are the artists who have guided you in your research?
Nanni Valentini, Josep Boys, Cornelia Parker, just to name a few, but also curiosity, observation of the powerful perfection of nature, poetry.
3. Define yourself as a human being using three adjectives.
Enthusiastic, patient, introspective.
4. According to your vision, where is contemporary art going and where would you like it to go?
We are going through a historical moment, in art as in the world, we do not see a clear direction, but many flows with different, sometimes opposing directions and currents. However, the demonstrations


Ana Hillar was born in Santa Fé, Argentina in 1969, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, moved to Faenza in 1998 to study restoration of archaeological ceramics.
In 2001 she was revealed to ceramic critics as winner of the Faenza Prize in the 52nd edition of the International Competition of Ceramic Art with the installation Sombra del Viento.
In 2003 her first personal exhibition in Italy arrived: Humano, at the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza.
Since then numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad, among the most relevant:
Siembra directa, double solo show Ana Hillar and Oscar Dominguez - curated by Alessandra Carini and Paolo Pileri. Palazzo San Giacomo, Russi, June/September 2023.
Tummo, solo exhibition for Tempesta Gallery, Milan 2022- Ancoluto, curated by Giorgia Pirrone, Galleria Lara & Rino Costa, Valenza 2021- Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv, Israel- The inner color, curated by Matteo Zauli, Galleria Facto, Montelupo Fiorentino 2019 - European ceramics, Art Avenue Gallery Taoxichuan, Jingdezhen, China 2018. Blanco Dentro, solo exhibition curated by Artealmonte, Palazzo Monte di Pietà, Forlì - Collect MADEINBRITALY Gallery, curated by Viola Emaldi, London - Gyeonggi Ceramic Biennale Korea, curated by Irene Biolchini, Icheon, Korea 2017. CERAMIX Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, The Netherlands /La Maison Rouge and Sèvres Paris, France 2015/16- A. Hillar/M. De Luca-Artifex, curated by M. Zattini, Municipal Art Gallery, Faenza - Chamber of Deputies Award for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, curated by Renata Mazzantini, Electa Catalogue, Palazzo Montecitorio, Rome 2011.
