
Francolino Andrea and also Paolo on the documents

Andrea and also Paolo on the documents
Birth place
27 04 1979
Black hair
Black eyes
Particular signs


1. What are the foundations of your research (Art Identity)?
The crack, objective manifestation of an ongoing process, in its centrality, suggests and reveals the link between opposites, generating infinite reflections.
2. Who are the artists who have guided you in your research?
Since my adolescence I have been attracted to artists with a great intensity of content and universal languages ​​compared to those projected towards amazement with "wow effects". I have always felt great love for the synthesis and poetry of artists such as Morandi, Leoncillo, Giacometti, but it can also happen that I remain hypnotized for hours in front of a Beato Angelico, for example. I have always had great interest and fascination for some exponents, or artists who can be placed in Arte Povera, such as Paolini, Anselmo, Pascali and for undisputed geniuses such as Lucio Fontana or Piero Manzoni. I have mentioned all Italian artists here and although there are many foreign artists worthy of admiration, such as Joseph Beuys or Rothko, Durham but I will stop because Italy manages to always be alive with excellence even without the support and push it deserves , this for culture in general... In any case, those I would mention are many from the ancient, through the modern to the contemporary.
3. Define yourself as a human being using three adjectives.
Thoughtful, amazed, absorbed.
4. According to your vision, where is contemporary art going and where would you like it to go?
His path will be his path, beyond what I would like his next destination to be, it is certain that he will continue to exist as long as man exists. But I can still hypothesize that a screen will be more present than a canvas, pixels, lights and lasers more than brushstrokes, live plants more than still lifes, technology a constant presence.


Andrea Francolio lives and works in Milan.
At the center of his reflections is the "crack" in all its universality and its "infinite variations", without
criticism and prejudice. Crossing multiple disciplinary forms such as aesthetics, ethics, ecology,
philosophy, science, in his path of artistic "evolution" Francolino tries to keep faith, in the final realization of the work with a much praised Nature by coining the term econcrethic - combination of words: eco, concrete, ethical, to describe his work with natural materials.
He is one of the founders of The Open Box Milano.

Among the main solo exhibitions we mention: Lo Spazio beante, Mazzoleni, Turin (2022); Museo Novecento, Florence (2020/21) with performances between the Palazzo Vecchio and the Museo Novecento; Contemporary Space, Brescia (2020); San Fedele open space, Milan (2018); The Open Box, Milan (2018); nm>contemporary, Principality of Monaco (2017); Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London (2016); Galleria San Fedele, Milan (2015); Spazio Testoni, Bologna (2013).
Among the numerous group exhibitions in which the artist has taken part we mention: Church of SS Giusto and Bartolomeo Legoli, Peccioli (Pisa), site-specific work (2022); Italian Embassy in London, London (2021); Austrian Cultural Forum, Rome (2021); Palazzo Barbò, Torre Pallavicina (2021); Mazzoleni, Turin (2021); CAMERA Italian Center for Photography and Mazzoleni, Turin (2020); Mazzoleni, London (2020); AGI Verona and the University of Verona (2019); Villa Dionisi, Verona (2018); Palazzo Palmieri, Monopoli (2017); Frittelli contemporary art, Florence (2016); The Loft, Works from the Servais collection, Brussels (2016); Intelligent District + MADRE, Naples (2014); Artivisive San Fedele Award, Milan (2014); Courtauld Institute of Art Somerset House, London (2012);