
Löhr Christiane

Birth place
Wiesbaden, Germany
17 12 1965
Brown hair
Blue eyes
Particular signs


1. What are the foundations of your research (Art Identity)?
Nature, the human history, the art history.
2. Who are the artists who have guided you in your research?
There are no specific artists, rather movements and directions that have influenced the artist-work relationship and therefore the history of art, such as Arte Povera, Conceptual Art, Land Art, Minimalism. I'm also interested in ancient cultures as an e camole the Japanese culture of the Jomon, who produced pottery. However, I observe everything around me and everything can teach me something that can flow into art.
3. Define yourself as a human being using three adjectives.
Always eyes open.
4. According to your vision, where is contemporary art going and where would you like it to go?
Art connects us with the world, in an intimate research the artist reflects on creation in all its forms. Currently, we are walking a path where matter is leaving our sight and being replaced by a virtual world, both in daily life and in making art. I wish we would return to the power of the senses and rub against matter.


Christiane Löhr was born in 1965 in Wiesbaden and lives and works between Köln and Prato.  His work comes from direct contact with nature, in which he finds his materials: the seeds of various plants (thistles, ivy, burdocks) used for small sculptures that refer to everyday or architectural objects, or horsehair for the " ornamental designs”, whose sizes vary from small to very large.  When making her sculptures, the artist seems to be guided by the internal geometry of the shape of the seeds, so that her objects seem miraculous examples of an imaginary architecture, surprisingly light and fragile, but, at the same time, strong and solid.
 Many participations in group exhibitions in important galleries and museums in Italy and abroad.  In particular we remember the 49th Venice Biennale in 2001, in 2010 in Terrevulnerabilities, HangarBicocca, Milan;  in 2013 at Autoritratti.  Inscriptions of the Feminine in Contemporary Italian Art, MAMbo Museum of Modern Art of Bologna;  in 2015 at The Human Condition, National Center for Contemporary Arts NCCA, Moscow;  in 2021 at the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples.
 The artist has also exhibited at the Jason MacCoy Gallery in New York;  Panza Villa and Collection in Varese;  MART Rovereto, Museum of Arts and Design New York;  Museum Wiesbaden;  Mirò Foundation in Palma de Mallorca;  Kunsthalle Bern;  Kunstmuseum Bonn;  Tucci Russo Studio for Contemporary Art, Torre Pellice;  Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, Japan.  In 2016, the Pino Pascali Prize was awarded to Christiane Löhr.  In 2020, an extensive monograph of her work was released.