
Zucchini Emiliano

Birth place
21 08 1982
Brown hair
Dark brown eyes
Particular signs


What are the foundations of your research (Art Identity)?
I am the son of two eras, the analogue and the digital one, I was initially fed by the cathode ray tube and then by the pixel. Very young I approached computer graphics and over the years many of its elements and concepts have entered my life and my artistic expression. On the web, in digital graphics and video editing, there is a pattern that represents non-color, transparency, emptiness. This gray and white checkered graphic pattern has become the basis of my work. The means I use in my research include printing on Dibond and/or Forex with manual interventions, video and latest generation 3D printing. The digital age we are living in has offered us a new "experience of the void": my research explores its conceptual and linguistic potential in the artistic field.
Who are the artists who have guided you in your research?
Fontana, Colombo, Castellani, Klein, D'Agostino
Define yourself as a human being using three adjectives.
English humor, curious, twilight
According to your vision, where is contemporary art going and where would you like it to go?
Each era brings its contribution to art, allowing artists to experiment with new techniques and deal with new concepts, and this orientation towards experimentation with language favors the "evolution" of artistic expression.

Two words about his work

EMILIANO ZUCCHINI was born in Frascati in 1982, lives and works in Rome.
After completing his advertising graphic studies, he began to collaborate as a graphic designer and photographer for various artistic publishing realities in Rome, Milan and the Marches. Since 2005 he has been in contact with gallery owners, critics and artists, frequenting their studios and actively living in the Italian artistic environment. In these years he perfects and consolidates a personal artistic poetics already in ferment for several years.
He exhibits both in Italy and abroad with solo and group exhibitions. His works are kept in important private and museum collections, such as: Tate Gallery Archives, London; MART, Rovereto, Palli Collection, Prato; MAAM Museum, Rome; MUSINF Museum, Senigallia (AN);
Civic Gallery, Modena; Nori De Nobili Museum, Trecastelli (AN); Epicenter Museum, Barcelona
Well of Gotto (ME); Berardelli Foundation, Brescia; Hendrik Christian Andersen Museum, Rome.
He has exhibited at: La Triennale, Milan; Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Verona; Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona; Castello Sforzesco, Milan; MART, Rovereto; GAMC, Viareggio; Room One, Rome;
Valmore Art Studio, Vicenza; Fiesp Building, Sao Paulo (Brazil); Biz-Art Center, Shanagii (China); Space "A showcase", Rome; Index Art Center, New York (USA); Luigi Di Sarro Center for Contemporary Art, Rome; Palace of the Duke of Senigallia; Crane Art Center, Philadelphia; National Gallery of Modern Art, San Marino; The Wrong Digital Biennale, Digital
Art Biennial.
