
Giacobbe Luca

Birth place
24 09 1966
Graying hair
Brown eyes
Particular signs


1. What are the foundations of your research (Art Identity)?
Art, in particular, painting creates in me a particular way of interpreting everything that I see, surrounds me and transmits to me. So the function of my painting is to interpret the multiple varieties of expression or adaptations to the common thought.
2. Who are the artists who have guided you in your research?
Arturo Carmassi (1925 - 2015), Riccardo Guarneri, Tommaso Cascella, to name a few that I have known and with whom I have shared the passion and suggestions that have led me to further developments of my painting.
3. Define yourself as a human being using three adjectives.
Innovative, receptive, sensitive
4. According to your vision, where is contemporary art going and where would you like it to go?
I bring my painting into a wider and more innovative dimension by guaranteeing one's role by committing oneself to questioning any aspect of the contemporary society in which I live and work.


Born in Venice on 24 September 1966.

He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence where he obtained the Diplomas of Sculpture in 1988 and of Painting in 1992.
He began his artistic activity in 1985 by participating in group exhibitions and also setting up personal exhibitions.
Between 1991 and 1994 he obtained important recognitions: First Prize for Painting at the X International Edition of Painting "Grancia d'Argento" in Serre di Rapolano (Siena); the scholarship of the EDI-Grafica Nuova of Florence and of the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence for the creation of four-color lithographs and the "Tito and Maria Conti" Painting Prize administered by the Academy of Drawing Arts of Florence with the assignment on free loan for five years of the painting studio in Piazzale Donatello. At the end of the period of use of the studio, in 1999, he set up the personal exhibition "Puntozero" with the works created in the five-year period at the Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Design Arts in Florence.
In the years between 2005 and 2009 he met and became friends with the masters Arturo Carmassi in Torre di Fucecchio (Florence) and Tommaso Cascella in Bomarzo (Viterbo); finally in 2011 and 2016, in Florence, he establishes an important and fruitful friendship with the masters Andrea Granchi and Riccardo Guarneri with whom he shared the passion and suggestions that led him to further developments of his own painting.
In 2021 and 2022 the Municipality of Montecatini acquired one of his paintings and ten of his graphic works for the permanent collection of the MO.C.A. Montecatini Contemporary Art.
Claudio Cerritelli, Giorgio Bonomi, Diego Collovini, Marcello Carriero, Stefano De Rosa, Chiara Serri, Elisa Borciani have written and talked about his works through the countless reviews and articles that have appeared in newspapers, national periodicals, specialized magazines and catalogues. , Beatrice Menozzi, Ruggero Sicurelli, David Bianco, Annette Klenner, Viviana Tessitore, Antonio Vanni, Stefano Soddu, Alessandra Scappini, Elena Magini, Giulia Coco, Marco Tonelli, Gianni Garrera, Siliano Simoncini.
He is Ordinary Academician of the Painting Class of the Academy of Drawing Arts in Florence.
He lives and works in Florence.
